Passivation is a crucial process in metal processing that enhances corrosion resistance without altering the metal's inherent properties. This is one of the reasons why many businesses opt for passivation.
1.Thickness and Color Retention:
Compared to traditional physical sealing methods, products after passivation treatment maintain their original thickness and color. This feature enhances precision and added value, making the operation more convenient.
2.Extended Lifespan and Cost Efficiency:
As passivation is a non-reactive process, the passivation solution can be reused, resulting in a longer lifespan and more cost-effective operations compared to traditional methods.
3.Formation of Durable Passivation Film:
Passivation prompts the formation of an oxygen molecule structure passivation film on the metal surface. This film is dense, stable, and possesses self-repair capabilities in the air. Consequently, the passivation film formed is more stable and corrosion-resistant compared to traditional rust-proof oil coating methods.

EST is committed to continuous innovation, solving passivation and rust prevention challenges for clients by providing high-quality, cutting-edge products. We offer comprehensive solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of our customers. We are dedicated to providing top-notch services and products to every customer, looking forward to a mutually beneficial partnership with you!
Post time: Dec-05-2023