In recent years, stainless steel tanks are widely used in brewing, pharmaceutical, dairy, chemical, petroleum, building materials, metallurgy and many other industries, and stainless steel tanks in the treatment of surface problems there are two process methods, respectively, pickling passivation, electrolytic polishing.
Antequam, ut nos postulo scio, immaculatam ferro obterere solvere pelagus forsit est removere superficiem de Weld macula, altum temperatus oxidatio cutis, rubigo, et superficiem esse tractari ad formare uniformis color.
Aliquam ferro tristique PicklingProcessus passivation, Est immaculatam ferro pickling passivation solutio exolvuntur sprayed in superficies ad immacrless ferro tristique ad processui, vos can quoque immaculatam ferro per lacus in pieces immersed in immaculatam ferro picklingPassivation solution, Usque ad immaculatam ferro pieces specie completum praesentationis uniformis et argentum albo colore et eximito workpiece potest lavabitur aqua mundare speciem.
Horizontalis immaculatam ferro tristique Pickling passivation curatio effectus:

Quia immaculatam ferro picklingPassivation solutionNon potest repetere cycle usum, non requirit specialis apparatu, habet commoda non-evaporation, non-volatile, nec flavo fumus et hydrogenii embrystlement phaenomenon, sic maioris immaculatam products manufacturers amorem.
Immaculatam ferro tristique electrolyticSOLUTIO Polishing processus,is the need to polish the stainless steel tank fixed in a professional hanging device, and then the electrolytic polishing equipment will be opened, at the same time, adjust the power supply voltage, and then has been fixed to the stainless steel parts immersed in the electrolytic solution energized and heated to 60 degrees or so, the general time of 3 minutes, to the surface of the bright after removing the workpiece, rinsed clean.
Et claritas superficiei potest esse adaequatum et regitur secundum diversas requisita de eget fabrica. Electrolytic Polising curatio de immaculatam ferro piscinam superficies sunt consistent, delicata effectus, eius superficies superficies potest pervenire 8k speculum effectum, et manet clara ut novus, nunquam tintinat.
Post tempus: May-11-2024