Et passivation film in superficies CCCIV immaculatam ferro lorum tractata estStaffless ferro passivation solutionmaxime ludit tutela munus. Tamen, in ipsa usu, sunt plures factores, qui ducunt ad destructionem passim film super superficiem CCCIV immaculatam ferro, ita ut superficies passivated statum in statum CCCIV et corrosio, ultimately ad tremula et corrosio.

I. CHLORUM ions.Chloride ions on the 304 stainless steel strap is very harmful, in the passivation process should need to strictly control the chlorine ion content in the passivation solution, even when cleaning, or need to monitor the chlorine ions in the water, to ensure that in the process of passivation of the finished product the chlorine ions content is very low, so as to be able to maintain the corrosion resistance of the 304 stainless steel strap.
II. Superficiem munditiam.CCCIV Steel lorum habet lenis superficies, difficile est adhaerere adhaerere ad eam, ita probabilitas corrosio est maxime humilis. Autem, quidam superficies sunt aspera, aliena obiecta potest facile attach ad eam, quod faciam superficiem corrosio immaculatam ferro lorum.
III. Usus environmental media.CCCIV Steel lorum superficiem passivation film ex thermodynamic fasciculo parte, est inhibuit a substantia structuram, tutela effectus et environmental media. In usum requirere iusto elit, quae adjuvat removere nocivis substantias attachiati superficiem.
IV. Intrinsic factors de immacretur ferro balteus ipsum. Some stainless steel in some components will also have an impact on its surface passivation film, such as a certain stainless steel strap in the martensitic content as well as chromium and nickel content on the passivation film is relatively large, if the nickel content is relatively low, the passivation performance is much worse. Et martensitic stainlless Steel lorum et austenitititic immaculatam ferro lorum ad passivation perficientur etiam pauper.
Post tempus: May-11-2024